Easily Upload & Delete Files
Clients can find managing websites difficult, especially when dealing with document uploads and a cluttered media library. With the Front-End Managed Files Block plugin you can make file lists that clients can manage easily via the frontend of the website.

Matches Your Theme
File blocks inherit style from whichever theme your site is using. This means they will look great with minimal or no CSS tweaking required.

Create With Classic & Gutenberg Editors
The Front-End Managed Files Block plugin supports the creation of blocks via both the Classic and Gutenberg editors. The Classic editor has a menu dropdown which allows for inserting a file block with ease. The Gutenberg editor has a custom block which makes adding and customising file blocks quick and easy, you can also add or remove files while inside the editor.

It's Just a Shortcode
File blocks at their core are just a shortcode – so remain usable with third party page editors. You can even include them inside a widget.
[frontend_managed_files_block id="random-udid-goes-here" title="Important Files"]
Shortcode Parameter | What Is It? | Requirements | Optional |
id | A random unique id for the file block | random-text-with-no-spaces-allowed | No |
title | The title of the file block | any text | Yes |
sortby | Sort the file block by | name|type|size|time | Yes |
sortorder | Sort order by ascending or descending | asc|desc | Yes |
showicons | Display file icons next to uploaded files | true|false | Yes |
users | Account username or email of a user allowed to upload and delete files. For multiple separate them with a space. | username or email | Yes |
filetypes | List of allowed file extensions. For multiple separate them with a space. | 7z aac ai aiff asc avi bz2 css csv doc docx dot eml flac flv gif hlp htm html jpeg jpg js m4a m4v mid midi mov mp2 mp3 mp4 mpe mpeg mpg odc odf odg odi odp ods odt ogg pdf png ppt pptx ps qt ram rar rm rtf sig swf sxc sxd sxi sxw tar tex txt vcf vsd wav weba webm wma wmv xls xlsx xml zip | Yes |
And More...
- No Media Clutter – Uploaded files are stored directly in the database and don’t clutter your media library with unnecessary files.
- Restrict User Access – Allow only specific users permission to upload and delete, these can even be non-editors.
- Restrict File Types – Allow only the file types you want to be uploaded, per files block.
- List Sorting – Sort file blocks by name, upload date, size and type.
- Disable File Icons – File blocks will show a file type icon by default – this can be disabled per files block.